Logitech G502 With WebStorm

Logitech G502 With WebStorm

Logitech G502 Hero is a high-performance gaming mouse with 11 programmable buttons. Logitech G HUB software is used to program these buttons as per our needs. If you’re a developer, you can use this mouse to improve your productivity. Today, I am going to tell you how to program the Logitech G502 mouse for JetBrains WebStorm IDE, using the Lua programming language. This method is a little bit advanced.

Prepare The IDE

First, you need to create shortcuts in WebStorm. Here, I created some shortcuts for some tasks. You can create your own shortcuts.

  • Ctrl + Shift + F — Global Search

  • Alt + Shift + F — Format Code

  • Ctrl + / — Comment Line

  • Ctrl + D — Duplicate Line

  • Alt + Shift + B — Create New Branch

  • Alt + Left Arrow — Go Back

  • Alt + Right Arrow — Go Forward

Adding Webstorm To GHub

After creating shortcuts, We need to create Macros In GHub software. Click the button on the top left corner and select “Games & Applications”. Then click on “ADD GAME OR APPLICATION”

Add Webstorm IDE as a program. Now in the added programs list, click on Webstorm IDE to activate it.

Creating Macros

While it is activated, in the bottom menu select “MACROS”. Now we have to create macros for the above Webstorm shortcuts in GHub. Click “ADD MACRO FOR THE SELECTED APP”. Give a name for your macro. Select NO REPEAT -> START NOW -> RECORD KEYSTROKES. Now press your shortcuts keys after pressing, click on STOP RECORDING -> Save. Create macros for all your shortcuts like this. If you have any problem please watch this video.

Lua Scripting

Now let’s dig into the scripting part. In the bottom menu, select PROFILE and click on scripting

It will open a window like this. Here we write our Lua script to program our G502

We write our code inside this “OnEvent(event, arg)” function. First, create a table including mouse button values, and create two mouse events. Don’t change these values.

Buttons = {
        Foward = 5,
        Bacward = 4,
        Up = 8,
        Down = 7,
        LeftScroll = 11,
        RightScroll = 10,
        G = 6,
        Profile = 9,
        Mid = 3


We can assign more than one macro to a single mouse button by checking the delay to press and release the mouse button. I will assign two macros for a single mouse button. For that let’s define two delays. These delays are in milliseconds


Next, in an if-else block, we check which button is pressed, and which mouse event is triggered, and execute the relevant macro according to the delay. Inside the PlayMacro() function place your macro name

if arg == Buttons.G then
    if event == MOUSE_CLICK then
        PressedTime = GetRunningTime()
        ClickDuration = nil
    elseif event == MOUSE_RELEASED then
        ClickDuration = GetRunningTime() - PressedTime
        -- Find All
        if ClickDuration < SHORT_DELAY then

        -- Take SS

Like the above code, we can write code for all buttons. The final code should be like this. You can extend this code for your macros as you need. This is only a sample code.

function OnEvent(event, arg)    
    debug = false

    -- Disable All These Buttons In GHub
    Buttons = {
        Foward = 5,
        Bacward = 4,
        Up = 8,
        Down = 7,
        LeftScroll = 11,
        RightScroll = 10,
        G = 6,
        Profile = 9,
        Mid = 3

    SHORT_DELAY = 350
    LONG_DELAY = 1000


    if arg == Buttons.G then
        if event == MOUSE_CLICK then
            PressedTime = GetRunningTime()
            ClickDuration = nil
        elseif event == MOUSE_RELEASED then
            ClickDuration = GetRunningTime() - PressedTime
            -- Macro for short click
            if ClickDuration < SHORT_DELAY then

            -- Macro for long click

    elseif arg == Buttons.Down then
        if event == MOUSE_CLICK then
            PressedTime = GetRunningTime()
            ClickDuration = nil
        elseif event == MOUSE_RELEASED then
            ClickDuration = GetRunningTime() - PressedTime
            -- Macro for short click
            if ClickDuration < SHORT_DELAY then
            -- Macro for long click

Save your Lua script by pressing Ctrl + S. To activate these macros, you need to disable the mouse buttons, that you used in the above code. Unless these macros will not work.

Now we are done. When you are using Webstorm, you can do your work more quickly. I hope this will help you to improve your coding speed.


See you from another article. Happy Coding.

You can connect with me on https://hirushafernando.com/